Movie Recap - December 14th, 2021

Episode 9 December 14, 2021 00:26:22
Movie Recap - December 14th, 2021
Movie Recaps
Movie Recap - December 14th, 2021

Dec 14 2021 | 00:26:22


Show Notes

Recapping some of the movies that opened the week of December 7th. 

Don't Look Up

National Champions


Black Friday

West Side Story

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hello and welcome back. This is once again, the deputy of movie, bringing to you our movie recap from this past weekend. I cannot believe that today is Tuesday, December 14th already. I mean, it's only 11 days till Christmas and only 17 more days until it's 2022. I don't know about you, but for me, 2021 has been a roller coaster, both personally and professionally. And it's just been an adventure, but the movies have definitely kept me on my toes this year. This week I did watch five movies. I watched don't look up national champions, mostly black Friday and west side story. So I definitely got a lot more watch this week than the previous week. Thank goodness. Again, my apologies for last week, I try to at least do my goal is to try to do at least four, but it doesn't always work out that well, depending on what else is going on just with life in general. Speaker 1 00:01:14 So yeah, it's been keeping me pretty busy. Are you already for the holidays? I know I, I am, but I'm not. I, we don't really do anything too spectacular. We've got a fairly small family and then of course my family, of course, but yeah, we just kind of all get together and just take it. I have a good time. I cook enough to feed a small army that I love to make pies. Yum. I usually make two pumpkins, a cherry and a chocolate. What are your favorite holiday pies? Let us know. And social media and of course, tag movie, deputy movie recaps so that I can find those. I would love to be able to share some of that information that I receive on this program. I love the interaction of hearing what people that are listening to this program like to talk about or want to hear about just kind of things like that in general. Speaker 1 00:02:06 Now you may have noticed that I did not mention the Gucci movie. Well, there is a honestly a reason for that. It's one of those stories that I will review, but I more than likely going to review it once it's available on digital streaming services and stuff like that. Because every person that I know that has watched this has regretted it horribly. I usually don't let that influence me and I'm not going to let it influence my review or my score, but it will influence whether or not I want to spend three hours at the theater with that experience I have, from what I understand, a lot of people have walked out of it and there's, I'm going to be discussing some of the movies that I did watch that that also happened, but I'm not going to give anything away too soon with that, but we're going to go ahead and jump right in with don't look up. Speaker 1 00:02:56 This movie was truly as unusual as I was kind of anticipating with that. If you had a chance to listen to the upcoming movies podcast this past week, you probably heard me talk about the fact that this one looked so bad that it was going to be good. And honestly, it lived up to those expectations in more than one way. This story is about a scientist and his protege that's directly underneath the PIM. And she ends up finding a comment that is heading straight towards earth. And it is a planet killer with a 99.78% chance of certainty. So they want to get the news out and try to warn everybody with as much advanced notice as they can through the process of this just ends up being a comedy of errors because they take it all the way to the president. And forgive me on that. Speaker 1 00:03:49 Uh, the president is a female president. She is just, she is a piece of work. Her name is president or lean. There are a lot of references to her actually being basically Hillary Clinton. I know you can't see me, but I'm doing the whole air quotes on that, but there's even a picture of bill Clinton, kissing Meryl Streep on the desk as if it was like pretending to be Hillary. And this president is such a, just, it's just a disaster. She wants to try to hide this from people. And she's telling everybody to kind of play it down. And then her kid who is just this annoying little kid named Al he say it a little kid. He's a grown man, but he acts like a five-year-old this movie. It, I don't know if it was intending on being a comedy, but it was definitely chuckle worthy throughout most of the movie, even in the midst of this. So then the scientists are as Leonardo DiCaprio and it's Jennifer Lawrence. So I mean, just there's a ton of ALA stars. President Earlene is Meryl Streep. I mean, just there's A-listers throughout this thing, but the hair acting just so out of character. And like I said, it is supposed to be bad as the president and the cabinet want to cover this up. Cause they didn't want people to panic the scientist and his protege decided to go on to a national talk show. He has an anxiety attack and she's like, got it. Speaker 1 00:05:20 Okay. Not that that's funny, but just the way that that happened and instantly becomes a meme online or meme, however you pronounced that. I know I'm probably pronouncing that wrong, but the one of the lines as a spoonful of Xanax helps the medicine go down and that's just kind of the comedy that is in this movie. It truly is just so bad. It's good. I mean, it's just, cringe-worthy throughout this whole story. Now, what happens? Are they able to divert this comment before it hits the planet? Is there any chance at all or is humanity doomed? If it plays up anything like what you might imagine, I'm not actually going to ruin that for you. So you're going to have, can check this out, but like I said, don't come expecting to see some peace like Armageddon or something like deep impact or along those lines because you don't get anywhere near the depth of those stories with this one. It's just, sorry, I can't even talk about this one about chuckling, but another line in the movie that just kind of gives it the feel of this is going with this is I want to die peacefully in my sleep. Like my grandfather, not screaming like his passengers. Now I'll give you a, just a second to think about that. Speaker 1 00:06:39 If you do decide to take a chance on this and watch this, there is a post credit bonus scene that you will not want to miss out on. It's a lot of fun. It takes a lot of cheap shots at Hollywood and it politics and the whole bit. And I absolutely adore that. They made a quote, unquote, Hillary look like an absolute Luna Dick, but that was like on a personal thing of mine. But I guess this one just, it was truly interesting in every part of its presentation. I did actually give this a six out of 10 on the deputy scale, just because it truly was so bad, it was good. This, this is almost one of those ones. It's going to be a guilty pleasure. It's going to be a favorite to some, and it's going to be absolutely cringe worthy to others like me. Speaker 1 00:07:32 I loved it from a personal perspective, from critic perspective. I had to tear into it a little bit because there's just so many things wrong with it, but the, the, the way it plays out, just more than makes up for it. Is it going to be for everyone? No. Is it gonna offend a lot of people? I hope so, but it's one of those ones that you're going to be talking about and thinking about for a long time. So like I said, if you want to check that out, you'll probably be glad, but it's there, there's a lot of strong language and a lot of inappropriate scenes for a younger audience, even for sensitive individuals, this might be a bit much, but if you have the chutzpah to go for it, this is one that you might be glad you watched it of that, or you're going to absolutely hate it. Speaker 1 00:08:23 It's one of those ones that truly is going to have strong feelings either way. And don't forget if you'd like to hear your ad in this space here. Just reach out to us [email protected] [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you. Our next movie gets a bit more serious. It is the movie national champions. Now, when I saw the previous for this, I honestly thought it was going to play out as a documentary. I thought it was something that was like actually really happening as it was dealing with actual players. So it was just, oh, it was my first instinct to just think of it as a documentary. And it ended up being like part movie part mockumentary a little bit, because this was all taking place in 2022, which yeah, we're only a few days away from that, but at the same time in the movie, it had a little bit of ways to go before we were at that point. Speaker 1 00:09:18 It really presented its story. I'm just honestly kind of surprised how balanced it was. It showed that these players that were going to the national championships, it was the cougars versus the wolves and these players that are getting ready to go and just have this one chance at stardom fame and possibly NFL chances. And just kind of the whole bit they're boycotting the game because they're demanding that these players that are playing for college football be recognized as employees and not as student athletes, they had a lot of lifetime injuries and different problems that occur from the years that they had played football. Didn't really have anything to fall back on. So they want some income because when they see what NFL players and people like that make, and even what the NCAA, the heads of the NCAA, and not even just the head, but like all the different layers of the NCAA and the millions of dollars that just get thrown around. Speaker 1 00:10:21 So they're like, okay, we want our piece of this. And if first glance it's like, that seems like a fair ask. But as this plays out, it, you quickly realize it's not that cut and dry. This is a much deeper problem because the money that would go to pay these college athletes, if they were to be paid like pro college players would technically break the system and it would, um, it would impact people across the board. You see the money that goes into these programs, doesn't just affect football. It affects all these other teams and all these other sports from high school on up because of the recruiting and scholarships and things like that. Just kind of across the board. So by doing that, it, yes, one side is benefiting, but it's crippling the rest of the possibilities for these other sports and stuff that are out there. Speaker 1 00:11:13 And it re like I said, it really plays this out and it really balances it. Well, it does kind of cross a line that that many will find offensive because it's, there's a lot of infidelity and adultery happening. There's a lot of drug use happening. This is not a movie that I would recommend to all football fans, kind of like what I was recommending just off the trailer, as it plays out. It's actually a lot harder to watch because it's just, it's probably a very realistic of how this happens, but at the same time, it's challenging the whole idea of how this has been happening for generations. This college athletes, they get a full ride at these top universities. They get the best education. They get to travel the country and dig it to do all these different things, just for being good at football yet they want so much more. Speaker 1 00:12:09 I don't know. I w I honestly was really torn on this by the end of this movie, because you could definitely feel where these players were coming from and what they were asking, but you could also realize that it's not just a simple fix. It's not just, okay, sign a contract. We're going to change how this happens. It's raw, it's deep. It's difficult to watch at times, but in that same thing, there was something powerful about this, that it's the start of a discussion. That's going to go on for a long time. Now, you may be wondering what I gave this on the deputy scale. I did give national champions at five and a half. So 5.5 on the deputy scale, the system is obviously broken and it needs to be fixed, but it's not going to be a simple fix. It's not as simple as just sign on the dotted line and it's done. Speaker 1 00:13:00 This is, it goes so much deeper and so much further with these outreaches than what you would initially expect and what happens because of that. What's going to happen to their careers. What's gonna happen to their lives. So their education what's going to happen to the scholarships for all these other athletes and all these other sports that aren't football to broken system that needs to be overhauled, but it's, it's not going to be an easy fix. There is a hashtag in the movie. It says, hashtag fix the system. And yes, it probably very much needs to be fixed. And overhauled is not going to happen overnight. If you are a huge football fan, and you're kind of familiar with how things go on behind the scenes and how everything plays out, or if you've grown up playing high school or college football, you may appreciate more of this. Speaker 1 00:13:49 If you are not a ride or die football fan, this one is definitely not going to be for you. I struggle on recommending it to a wide variety of an audience. Some of the topics that they touch on are just really overly sensitive for the situation. But like I said, if you are a diehard hard dye football fan, you might like this. If not, I would definitely avoid it. Our next movie Mosley really is one that honestly, I was really kind of having high hopes for, and I am so thankful that it lived up to everything I wanted and more, it really surprised me. I was hoping it would be cute and heartwarming and touching, and kind of all of those things that you want in an animated movie, but it had so much more to it. There was so much more meaning in it. Speaker 1 00:14:39 That just goes beyond what, what the story was. And it entered one of our biggest questions, a question that I had dressed last Thursday and my upcoming movies podcast of what are these creatures. I mentioned a total plethora of different ideas, but what they are is Thor offense. Now, if you've never heard that name before, don't feel bad and neither had I before this movie, but the Thor offense for basically raised and sold to help farmers and stuff work their fields. One thing that sets them apart from other just typical farm animals is they could talk and communicate with their owners. After Simon bought Mosley, he ended up finding much more than a farm hand for farm helps or so it'd be as he really didn't have hands. And then as Mosley grew up, he had a young child of his own. I just love how this all plays out. Speaker 1 00:15:38 One of the things in this is it says to keep your head up and your eyes out front through the field one summer day, we'll see the uprights come posture, straightened massive hands that dwarf the size of any man's removing yoke and chain and bands. Our toil will then be done. Now, if that reminds you of something else, I think that this mill was meant to, but it didn't do so in an, in your face way. It did so in a thoughtful way, and in a meaningful way that just really reaches across different boundaries. But mostly sun decides to go kind of adventuring and in doing so, he comes across these cave paintings of these upright Theravent that walk on their hind legs. And they have hands. Now. It's not that they don't have front legs previously, but they walked on all fours and they didn't have things like fingers through all of this. Speaker 1 00:16:33 The BMS is traveling. Medicine showed Tums, and they're trying to buy Mosley sun. And they're trying to convince Simon the one who owns Mosley and his family to do that. And since Mosley's wife is pregnant with another Thor event, it kind of takes you down a path that feels like it's going to be a tragedy and you get so wrapped up in it when it changes course, and you realize what's actually happening, it just leaves a warm feeling in your heart. That just leaves you smiling. This one is definitely, I would say safe for all ages. There may be a few things you might have to explain or a few questions that might need to be answered, but it is such a touching story. Now, if you're wondering what I gave mostly on the deputy scale, I might surprise you a little bit with this one. Speaker 1 00:17:23 I gave it a 7.5 out of 10. This is one is it deals with a lot of grownup issues in a very gentle way. The story tackled a delicate situation with grace and dignity in such a way that it will be remembered for many years. I definitely recommend this. If you have a chance, our next movie gives an entirely new definition to cringe worthy. The one I'm talking about is black Friday. Anyone who's ever had to work retail on black Friday will understand the chaos that ensues in this movie. But the chaos is not exactly what you would expect. I should preface this with saying, if you're a fan of the movie army of darkness, you might actually enjoy this one army of darkness is a bit of a cult classic in that narrow field of the fans of that type of movie. They are going to probably enjoy this because this is somewhat along the lines of Superstore meats and fasion of the body. Speaker 1 00:18:28 Snatchers meets the walking dead meets the blob with just over the top. Chaos what's happening here is everybody is working on black Friday, but they can't call it black Friday anymore because they're calling it green Friday to be quote unquote, politically correct gag, not even going to try to hide my thing on that. There's a lot of really stupid jokes, gory things of just this creature thing. And you may be wondering where does this creature came from? Well, of course, I'm black Friday. How do you add more mayhem to what's happening? A meteor is coming down and this meteor brings with it. These creatures that forgive the term, they're yucky there. I don't get grossed out by movies. I've never actually been, I've never even had a nightmare from a movie. And by one of my things I always say is if I lapped her in a horror movie, it basically killed it. Speaker 1 00:19:31 Well, this one isn't trying to be a serious horror movie. This one is trying to just be nonsense. And I will say, it's succeeded the nonsense. There is a familiar face that you will see here from army of darkness, but this toy store is anything but fun and games on this night, how it all plays out is just, eh, I'm guessing you could probably gather what under the score I've on, on this one. I did go ahead and give this just a 2.5 on the movie bitty scale, just because, I mean, it was just so bad. You just wanted to tune out, tune off, turn it off. And I've never walked out of a movie. So kind of proud of that. I kept hoping that this one would get better and it just never did. If you're just wanting nonsense and stupidity, this one might be for you. Speaker 1 00:20:22 If you're looking for anything with substance or even any real comedy, keep looking. The fifth movie that I saw this week is a classic re-imagined west side story. Now, before I really get into the, what did I really think about west side story? I want to go ahead and let you know that after I watched this movie, I went ahead and tweeted. Yes. I still have a Twitter account on my movie, deputy Twitter. And I said, that is basically 156 minutes of my life. That I'm never going to get bag hashtag shame on Spielberg. Now, stick with me, stick with me on this one, because that doesn't tell you everything that you need to know on this movie west side story is such a classical tale. I mean, it's love and turf wars and just kind of the whole sticking to what you know. And at the same time you got people starting a new and every, it was a beautiful story when it was done. Speaker 1 00:21:23 Originally here, the way this has been done, it's even being banned in some countries due to a couple of the characters being so current modern day woke as a lot of people would say, because there is a transgender character or gender neutral or whatever they were trying to represent in this movie. And then there is just so much just political divide between the sharks and the jets and mind you there's supposed to be tension. That's kind of the whole idea of the movie and the whole thing that life matters even more than love and how it all plays out. He ruined it by putting so much of modern day politics into such a classical story. I saw this in the theater with the, the general public, like everybody else. And when I went there, the theater was almost sold out when I went in and yes, I do have to pay for my tickets like everybody else. Speaker 1 00:22:18 And I see them at the theater just in case you were wondering, but yeah, like I said, it was just about a sold out as the story played on, I guess it's 156 minutes long. So this is a long movie, but people kept getting up and leaving. And by the end of the movie, barely half the people that came in to watch this movie were still there just because they had taken this story so far out of context, even if you could look past all of that, I mean, it's supposed to be like a musical, the songs, the dances, the VOC tech was just, if you could picture a middle school orchestra, middle-school band playing where they're getting the notes, right. But it's just all kind of playing flat. And there's just not a lot of flare to the music. You don't get. The whole, the whole idea of the passion in this movie just never comes through. Speaker 1 00:23:12 You just can't get into it into the whole story, the characters and the original, it didn't feel like you're watching a movie. It felt like you were watching this happen in this remake. It just, and there are a lot of big name stars in here, but how this plays out is like amateur hour. Like I said, it just, doesn't not play out well at all. There's so much stuff that is just woke and a phrase that's common is get woke, go broke. And I hope this movie does go broke because this is awful. If you're wondering exactly how awful I knew it wasn't as bad as black Friday. So I do want to preface with that quite easily. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as black Friday this week, but it was still pretty bad. I gave west side story or let me rephrase that. Speaker 1 00:24:02 I gave the 20, 21 west side story, a three out of 10 on the deputy scale. And in other words, if you really must see this, wait till at ton Redbox or on instant video, just a streaming service or something like that. This was one that if you spend your money on, you're likely going to regret it, unless you're part of that woke crowd, that you're going to this movie to see all of the whole quote unquote wokeness. But yeah, I was to say that I was disappointed is an understatement. If you're a fan of the original, get it out, watch it again and try to forget that this one ever existed. I want to thank you for coming along on this interesting journey with me as we talk about these movies and the highs and lows, and we'd definitely had some highs and lows this week, for sure, but we're approaching the end of the year. Speaker 1 00:25:00 We've got some titles coming up. I'm going to be talking about on Thursday that I'm actually really excited about. And some other ones that are just ho-hum. But I have been surprised by the whole home title, but I've had one that I eagerly awaited that totally let me down. So being a critic is it's an interesting job because everybody thinks it is the easiest job in the world. And there's actually a lot more to it than what you might think, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I created deputy and look at her now I am so thankful to each and every one of you, if you haven't already done. So please give us a like and subscribe. And of course, don't forget to share this content with someone who might laugh, cry, love it, hate it. I don't expect everybody to agree with me. I just want to have fun with it. I don't expect everybody to agree with me as the world would be a pretty boring place if they did, but that's kind of the fun of it. And as always, I hope you have a wonderful day and we will be back Thursday with her upcoming movies podcast. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, send us a message. Um, the contact us page of movie, or directly at movie, deputy itch, We'll talk to you.

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